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HITT Facility Covid-19 Precautions Policy

HITT Facility strives to provide youth baseball and softball training, instruction and clinics to youth member teams, in a manner that puts the health and safety of our members, coaches, instructors, employees, families, and our community first.  HiTT Facility is committed to reviewing local government and health department guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure safe and healthy operations. To achieve this goal, HITT will implement the below precautions, which will be in place until the precautions are no longer necessary.
•    HITT will notify members, coaches, instructors, volunteers, employees and family of these precautions in addition to posting signage at the entrance and other key locations within the facility,
•    HITT will post “Social Distancing” reminders at the entrance and other key locations within the facility.  All members, coaches, instructors, volunteers, employees and family should practice social distancing of six feet wherever possible
•    HITT will provide hand sanitizer recommended for use upon arrival and departure.
•    HITT will maintain attendance records of its members, including names, telephone numbers, and visit dates (Attendance Log Sign-In sheet will be located at the entrance table)
•    HITT will perform Cleaning and disinfecting as necessary.
•    HITT asks that all families measure their body temperature to ensure that no fever is present prior to participating or attending each HITT activity. Anyone with symptoms of fever, cough, or worsening respiratory symptoms, or any known exposure to a person with COVID-19 should not attend any HITT activity until cleared by a medical professional or local Health Department (CDC: Resource: If You Are Sick or Caring for Someone | PDF Download).
•    Individuals are encouraged to wear a cloth face covering.  The cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing.
•    Individuals at the facility are encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
•    Individuals, including members, coaches, instructors, volunteers, employees and family, at risk for severe illness or with serious underlying medical or respiratory conditions should only attend HITT activities with permission from a medical professional. 
•    Members, coaches, instructors, volunteers, employees, and family should take measures to prevent all non-essential contact with others during training, instruction, drills and play.
•    Sharing of equipment will be discouraged.  Players should have their own individual batter’s helmet, glove, bat, and catcher’s equipment.


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